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<> Day by Day: Names of God
Day by Day Series
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The contemplation of God's names, epithets and descriptions is an immensely rich endeavor for biblical study. Mere humans have only a few names: surnames, given names, middle names, nicknames, religiously given names, etc. But the list of "labels" assigned to God in Scripture is massive, with every slight difference between one designation and another sparking deeper reflection on His character. Each one tells us something of who He is. That is why so many have undertaken the study and write on this subject-to gain and to share a deep, expansive appreciation for God. 

So why another book on this subject? This volume in your hands puts the study into the reading format characterized by the Day by Day series of expositional meditations. Therefore, daily reflection on the person and character of God is encouraged. These readings will form a springboard, a catalyst for each reader to discover anew, or for the first time, the Majesty and Glory of God. 




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